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The name of this organization shall be the “Milton Township Republican Organization” (a/k/a


Section 1. Mission Statement. The MTRO encourages participation in the political process and
works to identify and elect qualified candidates who are fiscally conservative, support constitutional
rights, stand for the values and principles which promote and protect life, liberty and the pursuit of
happiness, and support the Republican Party Platform.
Section 2. Affiliation. The MTRO is affiliated with the DuPage County Republican Central
Committee (a/k/a “DCRCC”).


Section 1. Membership.

A. Voting Members of the MTRO Shall Consist of:

1. Elected Committeepersons: Republican Precinct Committeepersons living and
registered to vote within their respective precincts and elected in the Republican
Primary, hereafter referred to as “Elected Committeepersons.”
2. Appointed Committeepersons: Republican Precinct Committeepersons who
reside in Milton Township and are appointed by the Chairperson of the DCRCC,
hereafter referred to as “Appointed Committeepersons.” There are two (2) types of
Appointed Committeepersons:

a. Live-In-Precinct Committeepersons: All duly appointed
Republican Precinct Committeepersons living and registered to vote
within their respective Milton Township precincts, hereafter referred to
as “Live-In-Precinct (LIP) Committeepersons.”
b. Live-Out-Of-Precinct Committeepersons: All duly appointed
Republican Precinct Committeepersons living and registered to vote in
Milton Township who live outside of the appointed precincts are
hereafter referred to as “Live-Out-of-Precinct (LOOP)
Committeepersons.” A LIP applicant once approved would override an
existing LOOP appointment for the same precinct.

B. Non-voting “ex officio” Members: Unless the following persons qualify as voting
members of the MTRO, the following persons shall be honorary, non-voting members of the

1. All duly elected or appointed Republican township officeholders.
2. All duly elected or appointed Republican federal, state or county officials living
in Milton Township or representing voters in Milton Township.
3. The Chairperson of the DCRCC.
4. Assistant Committeepersons.
5. Committeepersons Emeritus honored by the membership for former yearsof active
service. This honor shall be recommended by the Executive Committee and
approved by the members present by 2/3 vote.

Section 2. Committeeperson Responsibilities. Precinct Committeepersons shall be expected

1. Canvas and service their respective precinct by distributing to registeredvoters the
campaign literature of Republican candidates for primary, general and township
2. Notify voters of the times and poll locations for voting.
3. Recruit Republican election judges.
4. Regularly attend MTRO meetings.
5. Promote registration of Republican voters in their precinct.
6. Help to circulate petitions for Republican Primary candidates.
7. Promote and encourage vote by mail and early voting.
8. Support MTRO fundraisers and activities monetarily and/or as a volunteer.
9. Support DuPage County fundraisers and activities.
10. Encourage social media engagement.
11. Other duties as may be requested by either the MTRO or DCRCC Chairpersons.

Section 3. Voting Rights. Each voting member of the MTRO shall be entitled to one (1) vote on
any question or issue that is submitted to the membership for consideration. If a voting member is
unable to attend any meeting of the MTRO, he or she may designate by written vote a registered
Republican Party voter who resides in the Committeeperson’s elected or assigned precinct as a
designee (“proxy”) to attend the meeting and to vote in their stead. Such written proxy shall be
hand-delivered to and filed with the Secretary of the MTRO.

All Appointed Committeeperson positions terminate after the Primary Election and require re-
appointment. Because appointments cannot be approved by the DCRCC between the Primary and
the thirtieth (30th) day after the Primary, only Elected Committeepersons may vote during that
period. In addition, first time Appointed Committeepersons may not vote until they have attended
three (3) MTRO meetings, however, the third meeting cannot be a slating meeting. Appointed
Committeepersons who served the previous term and have met the three (3) – meeting requirement
may vote once they are re-approved by the DCRCC Chairperson without repeating the three (3) –
meeting requirement.

Section 4. Vacancy. Any precinct vacancy shall be filled as follows: an announcement of the
vacancy shall be made at the next regular meeting of the MTRO. Anyone who wishes to be appointed
to fill a vacancy shall file a written application with either the Chairperson of the MTRO or the
Chairperson of the Recruitment Committee. The Recruitment Committee shall personally interview
all applicants who are to be submitted to the voting members for approval. The MTRO Chairperson
shall also distribute to the voting members the applications of those persons whom they have
determined should be submitted for approval to fill any announced vacancy. Said applications shall
be delivered to the voting members at least seven (7) days before the date the vacancy is to be filled.

An applicant must receive the approval of a majority of the voting members present at the next
meeting of the MTRO for appointment as Precinct Committeeperson. Any applicant receiving a
majority vote of approval shall be recommended to the Chairperson of the DCRCC for an
appointment as a Precinct Committeeperson.

Section 5. Misbehavior and Censure. Upon written petition signed by five (5) voting members,
the Chairperson shall notify the named Committeeperson of the petition and shall direct a special
committee composed of the full Executive Committee to meet and consider allegations of
misbehavior of their office or as a member of the MTRO. If this special committee finds the alleged
misbehavior has been prejudicial to the best interest of the MTRO, the Chairperson shall notify the
concerned Committeeperson and the voting members of the special committee’s recommendation to
censure. No member shall be censured without concurrence of two-thirds (2/3) of the membership
present at any regular or special meeting preceded by seven (7) days written notice to all members of
the action contemplated. If there is concurrence of 2/3 of the membership for censure, a Letter of
Censure shall be issued by the Chair and mailed via 1st Class US Mail or electronic mail to the censured
Committeeperson. Any member to whom a Letter of Censure is issued shall be ineligible to
participate as a voting member of any meeting, shall not be able to attend any MTRO meetings or
other take part in any other MTRO activities authorized by these By-Laws for a period of one (1) year.
A censured member can be restored to good standing by recommendation of the special committee
which recommended the censure, followed by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the membership present at
any meeting.

ARTICLE IV – Elections and Endorsements.

Section 1. Partisan Elections.

A. Primary Elections. The MTRO shall not endorse any candidates in a contested
Republican Primary Election. Individual Committeepersons may endorse and
recommend a specific Republican candidate(s) over others in any contested Republican
Primary Election.
B. General and Township Elections. In any partisan election in which a candidate is
running for office as a Republican Party candidate, members of the MTRO shall publicly
support the Republican candidate(s) only.

C. Prohibited Endorsements. Any Elected Committeeperson who endorses a non-
Republican for any partisan office shall be subject to censure as set forth in Article III,

D. Exclusionary Provision regarding Republican Candidates. If a Republican
candidate for a partisan race holds public views, memberships in organizations, or has
been involved in public activities that are contrary to the Mission Statement of the MTRO
By-Laws or the Republican Party platform, the MTRO reserves the right to publicly
disavow such a candidate in a Primary or General Election. The MTRO will seek guidance
from the DCRCC and the Illinois Republican Party regarding any such candidate before
any action is taken. Any action to disavow such a candidate shall require a two-thirds
(2/3) majority of ballots cast at a duly noticed meeting.

Section 2. Non-Partisan Elections. The MTRO may endorse candidates in non-partisan
elections. The endorsement of a candidate by the MTRO shall require two-thirds (66%) of ballots
cast for that race at a duly noticed meeting. All voting members are entitled to vote in all races,
regardless of district boundaries. The option of “No Endorsement” shall always be placed on the
ballot for each proposed endorsement and shall be counted in the total number of ballots cast.
Voting shall be conducted by secret ballot. Candidates for endorsement shall be voted upon
individually. An announcement that endorsement(s) will be voted upon must be given within the
meeting notice prior to any meeting at which endorsement(s) will be proposed.
Section 3. Referendums.

A. Localized Referendums. The MTRO and its members shall neither support nor oppose
referendums that do not apply to the entire township. Individual Committeepersons are
prohibited from using their title, their position as an MTRO Republican Committeeperson
and the Republican logo if they wish to support or oppose such local referendums and will be
in violation of these By-Laws to do so. Committeepersons may support such referendums but
must do so independent of MTRO or theRepublican Party.
B. General County or Statewide Referendums. The MTRO may consider supporting or
opposing referendums that apply to the entire county or state and will look for direction from
the DCRCC or the Illinois Republican Party on such matters. Any action taken to support or
oppose a general county or statewide referendum shall require a two-thirds (2/3) majority of
ballots cast at a duly noticed meeting.

ARTICLE V – Meetings

Section 1. Executive Officers. The Executive Officers of the MTRO shall consist of the following
four (4) officers: Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, Secretary and Treasurer.

Section 2. Election of Officers. All MTRO Executive Officers shall be Elected
Committeepersons, living and registered to vote in their respective precinct. Candidates for
Executive Office must submit their written declaration of candidacy to the Chairperson of the MTRO
at least thirty-five (35) days before the election meeting. In even numbered years, there shall be a
meeting after the Primary Election on the Wednesday before the DuPage County Convention for the
election of all Executive Officers for the MTRO. The Executive Officers of the MTRO shall be elected
by written ballot or acclamation if unopposed. The election of Executive Officers of the MTRO shall
be by a majority of voting membership at that meeting. Any Executive Officer who, according to the
Illinois Election Code, no longer qualifies as a Precinct Committeeperson shall be disqualified and
shall cease to be an Executive Officer of the MTRO and that office shall thereupon be vacant until a
new Executive Officer is formally elected as provided by these By-Laws.

Section 3. Terms. The term of office for each Executive Officer shall be two (2) years. No
individual shall serve more than two (2) consecutive terms as Chairperson. No individual shall serve
more than three (3) consecutive terms as Vice Chairperson, Treasurer or Secretary.

Section 4. Chairperson. The Chairperson shall preside at all meetings of the MTRO and shall
appoint, with the approval of the voting members, the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees.
The Chairperson shall represent the MTRO at meetings of the Executive Committee of the DCRCC.
If the Chairperson is unable to attend any such meetings, the Vice Chairperson of the MTRO, duly
elected or appointed, shall be authorized to attend in the Chairperson’s place. If the Vice Chairperson
is unable to attend such a meeting, either the Secretary or Treasurer of the MTRO, duly elected or
appointed, shall be authorized to attend in the Chairperson’s place. Any such person authorized by
these By-Laws to represent the MTRO at a meeting of the Executive Committee of the DCRCC shall
have full authority to act on behalf of the MTRO in any matter whatsoever, unless such action is
contrary to the provisions of these By-Laws.

Section 5. Vice Chairperson. If the Chairperson is unable to preside at any MTRO meeting, the
Vice Chairperson shall be designated to preside in the Chairperson’s absence and shall perform such
other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.

Section 6. Secretary. The Secretary shall keep the records and minutes of the MTRO and shall
perform such other duties as assigned by the Chairperson. The Secretary shall be responsible for the
preparation of all written ballots for the election of the Executive Officers or committeepersons.

Section 7. Treasurer. The Treasurer shall maintain bank accounts in the name of “Milton
Township Republican Organization” and shall perform other duties as assigned by the Chairperson.
Depositories and authorized signatures of MTRO bank accounts must be approved by the Executive
Committee. The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson shall also be signatories on all MTRO account.
There shall be an annual financial review of the books of the MTRO by a committee appointed by the

Section 8. Order of Presiding Officers at Meetings and Vacancies. The order of presiding
officers at meetings shall be: first, Chairperson, Second, Vice Chairperson, Third, Secretary, Fourth, Treasurer and Fifth, a Chairperson pro tem elected by members present at the meeting. In the event
of a vacancy in the position of Chairperson, the balance of the Chairperson’s term shall be filled by
the Vice Chairperson. In the event of a vacancy in any of the offices other than Chairperson, the
balance of that Executive Officer’s term shall be filled by nominations from the Executive Committee
with approval of the majority of the membership in attendance at a regularly scheduled meeting
within sixty (60) days of the vacancy.

ARTICLE VII – Committees

Section 1. Standing Committees. There shall be four (4) Standing Committees of the MTRO.
Each Standing Committee shall consist of at least three (3) members selected from the voting
membership. The purposes of the four (4) Standing Committees are set forth in Section 2 through
Section 5 of this Article.

Section 2. Recruitment Committee. The Recruitment Committee shall interview, investigate
and screen written applicants for any vacant Republican Party precinct committeeperson position in
Milton Township. Any such application shall be distributed by the Chairperson to the voting
members of the MTRO at least seven (7) days prior to any such vacancy being filled.

Section 3. Social Media Committee. The Social Media Committee shall generate publicity for
the MTRO mission, events and activities.

Section 4. Oktoberfest Committee. The Oktoberfest Committee shall identify various strategies
to raise funds for the MTRO.

Section 5. By-Laws Committee. The By-Laws Committee shall recommend amendments to the
MTRO By-Laws as deemed necessary. The By-Laws Committee shall consist of active former
chairpersons of the MTRO and additional members as may be appointed by the MTRO Chairperson.

Section 6. Ad Hoc Committees. The Chairperson may appoint such other special committees as
deemed necessary or desirable.

Section 7. Standing Committee Chairpersons and Tenure. Standing Committee
chairpersons shall serve at the pleasure of the MTRO Chairperson. The terms of office for Standing
Committee chairpersons shall terminate upon the election of the next MTRO Chairperson. Upon
election of the next MTRO Chairperson, the MTRO Chairperson shall appoint Standing Committee
chairpersons as soon as practicable. All Standing Committee Chairperson appointments must be
approved by a majority of the voting members. Additional Standing Committee Chairpersons shall
be appointed by the MTRO Chairperson.

ARTICLE VIII – Expenditures

The Executive Officers of the MTRO may approve any expenditure up to One Thousand Dollars
($1,000.00). An expenditure exceeding One Thousand Dollars ($1000.00) (e.g. $1,000.01) shall
be confirmed with a majority vote of members and/or proxies present in favor of the expenditure
at the next general membership meeting. Proposed expenditures shall not exceed the funds on

ARTICLE IX – Amendments

These By-Laws may be revised, modified, amended, or repealed by a vote of two-thirds (2/3) of a
duly constituted quorum at any regular or special meeting. Any revision, modification, amendment
or repeal shall be adopted only in accordance with these procedures:

1. Any proposed change in these By-Laws must be presented to the membership at a regular
monthly meeting. Voting on such proposals cannot occur until the second meeting
following the initial presentation. If necessary, a special meeting can be called by the
2. Written notice of any proposed change must be made available to the members at least
twenty-eight (28) days before the members are asked to vote on theproposed change.
3. Any vote to revise, modify, or amend these By-Laws shall be taken by a roll call vote.
These By-Laws shall remain in full force and effect until revised, modified, or amended
in accordance with the provisions of this Article.

ARTICLE X – Replacement of Vacant County Board Position

When a DuPage County Board Member position is declared vacant and the majority of the
constituency of that district reside in Milton Township, the MTRO shall meet within forty (40) days
of the declaration of vacancy to recommend an individual to fill such vacancy. The recommendation
shall be decided at a regular or special meeting of the MTRO by a majority vote through a written
ballot. The DuPage County Board Chairperson is not obligated to appoint the recommended

ARTICLE XI – Replacement of Vacant Township Board Position

When a Milton Township Board position is declared vacant, the MTRO shall meet within forty (40)
days of the declaration of vacancy to recommend an individual to fill such vacancy. The
recommendation shall be decided at a regular or special meeting of the MTRO by a majority vote
through a written ballot. The Milton Township Board is not obligated to appoint the recommended

ARTICLE XII – Caucus Slating and Candidates

A strategic responsibility of the MTRO is to ensure that Republicans hold the eight (8) elected
positions of Township Supervisor, Assessor, Highway Commissioner, Clerk and four (4) Trustees on
the Milton Township Board. Therefore, at an open meeting of the MTRO, Elected and Appointed
Committeepersons shall vote upon and select a slate of candidates for these offices. This slate shall
constitute the candidates endorsed by the MTRO. Any person or group wishing to challenge one (1)
or more of these slated candidates at any Milton Township Caucus must provide written notice of
their intent to do so to the MTRO Chairperson no less than ten (10) days before any such Milton
Township Caucus. Such notification shall include the name(s) of the candidate(s) and office(s) being

Approved: February 12, 2020