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2025 Election
- April 1st 2025-

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Until Polls Close!


In 2024 we have the opportunity locally to reclaim the seats lost on the County Board, forest preserve board, and more.
We must uproot the Democrats monopoly in Ilinois Capital and replace our failed Democrat leadership in Washington. With skyrocketing crime, a national economy on the brink of recession, and globally our nation's status as a world power diminishing, it is so important to get out and vote!

Before you vote, learn more about



650 Roosevelt Rd. unit 103 Glen Ellyn, IL, 60137


There are several polling locations around Milton township. Early voting locations INCLUDE COLLEGE OF DUPAGE, and the COUNTY FAIR GROUNDS

Referendums - State and Local

-Should any candidate appearing on the Illinois ballot for federal, State, or local office be subject to civil penalties if the candidate interferes or attempts to interfere with an election worker’s official duties? 

We Recommend a NO Vote

-Should the Illinois Constitution be amended to create an additional 3% tax on income greater than $1,000,000 for the purpose of dedicating funds raised to property tax relief? 

We Recommend a NO Vote

-Should all medically appropriate assisted reproductive treatments, including, but not limited to, in vitro fertilization, be covered by any health insurance plan in Illinois that provides coverage for pregnancy benefits, without limitation on the number of treatments? 

We Recommend a NO Vote

-Shall the limiting rate under the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law for the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, Illinois, be increased by an additional amount equal to 0.0350% above the limiting rate for levy year 2023 for the purpose of preserving, restoring, and maintaining forests, open spaces, and water quality; acquiring lands to protect rivers, watersheds, and wildlife habitat; planting trees; enhancing flood control and drainage, maintaining and improving forest preserve woodlands, wetlands and prairies; providing nature education and outdoor opportunities for all ages; increasing forest preserve access and safety; improving recreational amenities such as multi-use trails and campgrounds; and for other purposes of the Forest Preserve District of DuPage County, and be equal to 0.1033% of the equalized assessed value of the taxable property therein for levy year 2024?

We Recommend a NO Vote